CRISPR library


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CRISPR Library Screening

CRISPR library is a high-throughput gene screening method established based on CRISPR/Cas9 technology. It identifies phenotype-related genes or screens new drug targets through functional screening, enrichment and deep sequencing analysis. The scope of screening can be the whole genome, a certain gene family, or a certain signal pathway. CRISPR library screening has become the preferred platform for large-scale gene function screening benefited from the characteristics of CRISPR/Cas9 such as versatility, low noise, high knockout efficiency, and less off-target effect.

Ubigene focuses on the field of gene editing and has rich experience in cell gene editing. It can provide 35+ off-shelf libraries and one-stop services from high-throughput sgRNA library construction, virus packaging, cell infection, drug screening, NGS sequencing and data analysis, etc.

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CRISPR-iScreen-title Technique Introduction
CRISPR-iScreen™ is an innovative technology independently developed by Ubigene, aimed at achieving high-efficient CRISPR screening. This technology provides scientists with an efficient and precise tool that can be applied to gene function research and drug target screening.
Self-developed library specific competent cell
The use of self-developed library specific competent cell makes it easier to capture exogenous DNA, with high transformation efficiency and low mutation risk, ensuring the quality of library plasmid amplification, with a coverage rate > 99% and uniformity < 10.
Exclusive cell pool preparation process
Exclusive cell pool preparation process can achieve large-scale and standardized production of library cell pool, achieving fewer differences between batches and high repeatability, with a cell pool library coverage rate up to 99%.

CRISPR Library Service Details

CRISPRa library
This kind of library can target the transcription-regulatory regions of coding or non-coding genes, achieve the co-expression of Cas9 protein and MS2-P65-HSF1 activation auxiliary protein by connecting dCas9 protein and transcription activator VP64, effectively upregulate the expression level of the genes, and complete high-throughput gain-of-function screening.
CRISPR-KO library
The gRNAs of this kind of library mainly target the 5' end exons of coding genes. DNA double strand breaks are caused by Cas9 protein cleavage, and knockout is achieved by introducing frameshift mutations through the non homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA repair mechanism.
CRISPRi library
The gRNAs of this kind of library mainly target non-coding genes and essential genes (knockout lethality). Gene knockdown was achieved by co-transfecting the gRNA targeting the upstream regulatory region of the gene and a protein of the catalytically inactive dCas9 fused with the transcription repressor KRAB (Kruppel-related frame domain).
CRISPR-KO library
CRISPRa library
CRISPRi library
The gRNAs of this kind of library mainly target the 5' end exons of coding genes. DNA double strand breaks are caused by Cas9 protein cleavage, and knockout is achieved by introducing frameshift mutations through the non homologous end joining (NHEJ) DNA repair mechanism.
This kind of library can target the transcription-regulatory regions of coding or non-coding genes, achieve the co-expression of Cas9 protein and MS2-P65-HSF1 activation auxiliary protein by connecting dCas9 protein and transcription activator VP64, effectively upregulate the expression level of the genes, and complete high-throughput gain-of-function screening.
The gRNAs of this kind of library mainly target non-coding genes and essential genes (knockout lethality). Gene knockdown was achieved by co-transfecting the gRNA targeting the upstream regulatory region of the gene and a protein of the catalytically inactive dCas9 fused with the transcription repressor KRAB (Kruppel-related frame domain).
01 Library Plasmid Preparation
02 CRISPR Library Customization
03 Library Virus Packaging
04 Cell Pool Construction
05 Functional Screening and NGS Analysis

Based on the CRISPR library plasmid provided, perform library amplification, transfer the plasmid to Escherichia coli by electroporation (coverage>100X), and provide NGS sequencing validation (coverage 100X-500X). Deliver the amplified plasmid library or directly use it for downstream screening experiments.

Small size plasmid (100ug, ready-to-transfect)
Large size plasmid (500ug, ready-to-transfect)
NGS test report

Includes gRNA design, chip synthesis of Oligo pool, vector construction, plasmid preparation, and NGS validation (coverage>99%, uniformity<10).

Plasmid (100ug, ready-to-transfect)
NGS test report

The third-generation virus packaging system has high security, ensuring a virus titer of ≥ 1x10^8 TU/ml.

Small size virus (Total 1x10^8 TU)
Large size virus (Total 5x10^8 TU)
Virus titer test report

Infect cells with the library virus (MOI<0.3, try to transfer only one virus per cell), and then screen by antibiotics based on the resistance gene on the vector backbone to construct cell pools.

Cell pool
NGS test Report

Perform cell screening based on drugs or viruses provided, collect baseline/NC/sample samples, extract DNA for NGS sequencing and gRNA differential analysis.

NGS Analysis Report
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01 Library Plasmid Preparation

Based on the CRISPR library plasmid provided, perform library amplification, transfer the plasmid to Escherichia coli by electroporation (coverage>100X), and provide NGS sequencing validation (coverage 100X-500X). Deliver the amplified plasmid library or directly use it for downstream screening experiments.

Small size plasmid (100ug, ready-to-transfect)
Large size plasmid (500ug, ready-to-transfect)
NGS test report
02 CRISPR Library Customization

Includes gRNA design, chip synthesis of Oligo pool, vector construction, plasmid preparation, and NGS validation (coverage>99%, uniformity<10).

Plasmid (100ug, ready-to-transfect)
Plasmid (100ug, ready-to-transfect)
03 Library Virus

The third-generation virus packaging system has high security, ensuring a virus titer of ≥ 1x10^8 TU/ml.

Small size virus (Total 1x10^8 TU)
Large size virus (Total 5x10^8 TU)
Virus titer test report
04 Packaging Cell Pool

Infect cells with the library virus (MOI<0.3, try to transfer only one virus per cell), and then screen by antibiotics based on the resistance gene on the vector backbone to construct cell pools.

Cell pool
NGS test Report
05 Functional Screening and NGS Analysis

Perform cell screening based on drugs or viruses provided, collect baseline/NC/sample samples, extract DNA for NGS sequencing and gRNA differential analysis.

NGS Analysis Report
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Functional Screening
Drug Screening
Identify drug-resistant or -sensitive genes.
Flow Sorting
Sort and analyze specific cell populations, suitable for phenotype screening that does not involve differences in cell proliferation.
Virus Infection
Identify host factors related to virus replication or infection
Single-cell sequencing
Analyze the impact of gene editing events on cells at the single-cell level.
Diversified Functional Screening
Drug Screening
Identify drug-resistant or -sensitive genes.
Virus Infection
Identify host factors related to virus replication or infection
Flow Sorting
Sort and analyze specific cell populations, suitable for phenotype screening that does not involve differences in cell proliferation.
Single-cell sequencing
Analyze the impact of gene editing events on cells at the single-cell level.
CRISPR screening workflow
gRNA design
Chip synthesis of Oligo Pool
Plasmid construction
Lentivirus packaging
Cell screening
(cell infection by
lentiviral library)
Cell screening
(Positive or negative screening by
applying screening pressure)
PCR amplification
Analyze the data and
find out candidates
Preparation Stage
gRNA design
Chip synthesis of
Oligo Pool
Plasmid construction
Lentivirus packaging
Screening Stage
Cell screening
(cell infection by
lentiviral library)
Cell screening
(Positive or negative screening by
applying screening pressure)
Analysis Stage
PCR amplification
Analyze the data and
find out candidates
In-stock Library
CRISPR-iScreen™ Library Plasmid
Plasmid coverage>99%, uniformity<10
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CRISPR-iScreen™ Library Virus
Strong activity, high titer, ready-to-use
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CRISPR-iScreen™ Library Cell Pool
Cell coverage rate up to 99%
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Case Study

Screening functional genes of tumor
Negative screening of gene pairs with synthetic lethality

Synthetic lethality refers to the phenomenon that when two non-lethal mutant genes occur alone, they will not cause cell death, but when they occur simultaneously, they will cause cell death, which is one of the new research directions in the field of antitumor drugs. Because tumor cells often carry many point mutations, how to specifically kill tumor cells with high mutation rate without affecting normal cells is a major pursuit of antitumor drug research and development. Starting from the idea of synthetic lethality, Shen et al [2] designed a dual-gRNA library to screen the synthetic lethal interaction network. Different from the general sgRNA library, each vector in the dual-gRNA library contains two gRNAs, one targeting common mutated tumor suppressor genes in tumors and the other targeting genes that can be perturbed by anticancer drugs. They used this system to screen 73 genes in three experimental cancer cell lines (human cervical cancer HeLa, lung cancer A549 and embryonic renal cell carcinoma 293T), with a total of about 150000 gene combinations. By detecting gRNA abundance changes at different time points, they further analyzed and screened 120 synthetic lethal interactions, providing new targets for the development of new cancer drugs.

Viral infection related study
Screening of HIV therapeutic targets

AIDS caused by HIV infection is a serious threat to human life and health. It is of great significance to clarify the molecular mechanism of HIV breaking through the host cell defense system and develop new targets for HIV treatment. Park et al. [3] infected cas9 virus on CCRF-CEM cells stably expressing CCR5 hygR and HIV-1 LTR-GFP, and screened a clone (GXRCas9 cell) that highly expressed CCR5 before HIV infection and low expressed EGFP but high expressed EGFP after infection as a tool cell for screening HIV infection targets. Specifically, GXRCas9 cells were infected with a lentiviral library containing 187536 sgRNAs (targeting 18543 genes), and these T cells lacking different receptors were infected with the HIV virus strain JR-CSF. Then, GFP negative and positive T cells were sorted out by flow cytometry, and the GFP negative cell population and the uninfected HIV virus cell population were sequenced to analyze the difference in sgRNA abundance between the two groups of cells. Finally, five genes with the largest change in sgRNA abundance were screened out. Among them, CD4 and CCR5 are the receptors of HIV-infected T cells. TPST2 and SLC35B2 modify CCR5 to facilitate the binding of HIV, while the gene encoding leukocyte adhesion factor ALCAM is related to the transmission of HIV between cells. The five genes screened do not affect the survival of T cells after being knocked out, but can make T cells resist HIV infection. Therefore, these five genes can be used as potential targets for HIV treatment, providing new ideas and ways for the prevention and treatment of AIDS.

Antibody target screening
Recognition of monoclonal antibody specific target antigens and their epitopes

It is quite simple to use peptides or purified proteins to verify antibodies in immune experiments, but it is relatively difficult to use whole cells or other complex antigens to verify antibodies. If no antibody reactivity is detected in Western blotting and immunoprecipitation, a variety of gene manipulation level techniques need to be applied to determine the antigen specificity of mAbs. BF4 is an antibody that can bind to the viral biofilm on the surface of uninfected lymphocytes, neutrophils and HTLV-1 infected cells. Zotova et al [4] used MT2 cells (human T cell lymphotropic virus type I HTLV-1 chronically infecting T cells) as immunogen to trigger mouse immunity and obtained a HTLV-1 biofilm specific monoclonal antibody BF4. Based on the idea of screening BF4 antigen knockout cells by transducing CRISPR knockout library into BF4 positive cells, they transduced GeCKO library to CEM T and Raji/CD4 B cells to sort out cells that did not bind to BF4. After two rounds of repeated sorting, the proportion of negative cells reached more than 99%. Researchers sequenced these cells and found that about 80% of sgRNAs targeted CD82. BF4 was confirmed to be a specific antibody against CD82.

Signal pathway
Studying the mechanism of pyroptosis

Pyroptosis is an immune defense response initiated by the body after sensing the infection of pathogenic microorganisms. Inflammation-activated caspase-1 and caspase-4, Caspase-5 and caspase-11, which recognize bacterial lipopolysaccharide, can cause pyroptosis, but the mechanism remains unknown. Shi et al [5] first established a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) electroporation method that can induce pyroptosis in more than 90% of cells, and then transduced the CRISPR knockout library into Tlr4-/- iBMDMs that can normally respond to lipopolysaccharide stimulation, and sequenced the cells that survived pyroptosis induced by lipopolysaccharide. The analysis results showed that four of the five sgRNAs targeting gasdermin D (GSDMD) gene had the top 30 copy numbers, and two of them were in the top 10 positions. The subsequent results also further proved that the N-terminus of GSDMD could induce pyroptosis. In summary, researchers used CRISPR library to conduct genome-wide genetic screening, successfully screened the gene GSDMD that can inhibit pyroptosis after knockout, and clarified the molecular mechanism of GSDMD as an inflammatory caspase substrate protein that can trigger pyroptosis after being cleaved.

[1]Shalem O, Sanjana NE, Hartenian E, Shi X, Scott DA, Mikkelson T, Heckl D, Ebert BL, Root DE, Doench JG, Zhang F. Genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout screening in human cells. Science. 2014 Jan 3;343(6166):84-87. doi: 10.1126/science.1247005. Epub 2013 Dec 12. PMID: 24336571; PMCID: PMC4089965.
[2]Shen JP, Zhao D, Sasik R, Luebeck J, Birmingham A, Bojorquez-Gomez A, Licon K, Klepper K, Pekin D, Beckett AN, Sanchez KS, Thomas A, Kuo CC, Du D, Roguev A, Lewis NE, Chang AN, Kreisberg JF, Krogan N, Qi L, Ideker T, Mali P. Combinatorial CRISPR-Cas9 screens for de novo mapping of genetic interactions. Nat Methods. 2017 Jun;14(6):573-576. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4225. Epub 2017 Mar 20. PMID: 28319113; PMCID: PMC5449203.
[3]Park RJ, Wang T, Koundakjian D, Hultquist JF, Lamothe-Molina P, Monel B, Schumann K, Yu H, Krupzcak KM, Garcia-Beltran W, Piechocka-Trocha A, Krogan NJ, Marson A, Sabatini DM, Lander ES, Hacohen N, Walker BD. A genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies a restricted set of HIV host dependency factors. Nat Genet. 2017 Feb;49(2):193-203. doi: 10.1038/ng.3741. Epub 2016 Dec 19. PMID: 27992415; PMCID: PMC5511375.
[4]Zotova A, Zotov I, Filatov A, Mazurov D. Determining antigen specificity of a monoclonal antibody using genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 knockout library. J Immunol Methods. 2016 Dec;439:8-14. doi: 10.1016/j.jim.2016.09.006. Epub 2016 Sep 21. PMID: 27664857.
[5]Shi J, Zhao Y, Wang K, Shi X, Wang Y, Huang H, Zhuang Y, Cai T, Wang F, Shao F. Cleavage of GSDMD by inflammatory caspases determines pyroptotic cell death. Nature. 2015 Oct 29;526(7575):660-5. doi: 10.1038/nature15514. Epub 2015 Sep 16. PMID: 26375003.

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