Red Cotton Big sales cerebration! 10000 KO plasmids in-stock, only $80
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Location:Home > Promotions > Red Cotton Big sales cerebration! 10000 KO plasmids in-stock, only $80

Home > Promotions > Red Cotton Big sales cerebration! 10000 KO plasmids in-stock, only $80

Since the release of our Red Cotton™ CRISPR Gene-editing Design System, it has brought the benefits to researchers from more than 20 countries and regions and assisted their gene study researches. In 2021, Ubigene continues to achieve our goal – “Make genome editing easier” and to bring more benefits to you.

Red Cotton™ benefit :

Upgraded Red Cotton™ CRISPR Gene-editing Design System!

  One-stop addressing all your requirements, from strategy design to KO validation.

  NEW function and tools include gRNA design, vector design, sequence alignment, primer design, sequencing results interpretation, etc.

  No matter you are new to CRISPR or experienced expert, you can always find the function and tools which can facilitate your KO experiment from our Red Cotton™ system.

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gRNA plasmid bank

  Ubigene has set-up our gRNA plasmid bank!

  10000 in-stock plasmids available! Only $80.

  Deliver in one 3-5 week days.

  Most economical and lowest cost for gene KO.

  Check out your interested genes from our database now.

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FREE plasmids

  gRNA plasmid bank plus Red Cotton system, the best and easiest kit for gene KO.

  Over 600 types of gene plasmids are now ready for you!

  Sign-up Red Cotton™ now and get your free vector. The first 50 registers can get the FREE plasmid each week.
Click the link to check out our free plasmids

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Promotion time: 2021.03.1-2021.05.15
During the promotion period, enjoy the following discounted price when ordering in-stock plasmids.

Type Promotion Price Turnaround
gRNA vector (in-stock) 80 USD 3-5 week days
Additional 559 USD to deliver the gRNA expression lentivirus to you.

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