Knockout Plasmid
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Technical Details
CRISPR/Cas9 system is a defense mechanism used by bacteria to resist the invasion of viruses and foreign plasmids. At present, the type II CRISPR/Cas9 system is the most developed and widely used system. It recognizes the target sequence with gRNA, and guide Cas9 endonuclease to cut the upstream of PAM, resulting in the double-strand break (DSB) of the target site DNA. To repair the DSB, the cell uses its own DNA repair mechanism to add or delete or replace pieces of DNA sequence via Homology Directed Repair (HDR) or Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ). Close
CRISPR/Cas9 system is a defense mechanism used by bacteria to resist the invasion of viruses and foreign plasmids. At present, the type II CRISPR/ all
Knockout Plasmid
Knockout Strategies
小片段敲除方案Short fragment removal

Guide RNAs target introns at both sides of exon 2 and the number of bases in exon 2 is not a multiple of 3, which can cause frame-shift mutation.

移码敲除方案Frame-shift mutation

Guide RNA targets the exon, and the base number of deletion is not a multiple of 3. After knockout, frame-shift mutation would cause gene knockout.

大片段敲除方案Large fragment removal

Complete removal of the coding sequence to achieve gene knockout.

Classification of knockout gRNA plasmids
Ubigene developed a series of YKO plasmids, including lentivirus plasmids, AAV plasmids, and non-viral plasmids, which can be widely used in vitro or in vivo.
YKO series VectorReporter gene; Selection marker
Lentiviral YKO plasmid YKO-LV001-single-gRNA
Non-viral YKO plasmid YKO-RP001-single-gRNA
AAV YKO plasmid YKO-AAV001-single-gRNA
Single gRNA
plasmid can be used in frame-shift mutation or short fragment knockout. By co-transfecting 2-3 gRNAs, knockout efficiency can be improved.
Dual gRNA
Dual-gRNA plasmid can be used in large fragment removal. Dual-gRNA can greatly improve the efficiency of cell transfection and gene knockout.
Restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing
Different species: mammals, zebrafish, primary cells, stem cells, cell lines, microorganisms, etc.
Different purposes: frame-shift mutation knockout, fragment knockout, precise knockout, point mutation, fragment knockin.

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