Gene KO microorganism
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Home > Promotions > Gene KO microorganism

New semester, new promotion
Upgraded technology -- CRISPR-B™
20x higher efficiency than traditional method
Starting from $1980
As fast as 3 weeks

Technical advantages

The efficiency is 20-30 times higher than that of the classic methods.
Scarless gene-editing technology, safe and sound.
Easily achieve microbial gene knockout (KO), point mutation (PM) and knockin (KI).
It is possible to knockout multiple genes simultaneously.

Promotional price and turnaround

Types Promotional price Turnaround
KO E. Coli (standard strains) 1980 USD 3-4 weeks
Other microbes (Salmonella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.) Please inquire> 4-6 weeks

CRISPR-B™ Work Flow

Note: This promotion is limited to scientific research customers such as universities and research institutes

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