Cell monoclonal Culture medium(THP-1)

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Cell monoclonal Culture medium(THP-1)

Cell monoclonal Culture medium(THP-1) Order


Price (USD)690

Size 500ml


Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium: Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium is a complete medium specifically designed for the gene edited single cell clones. This Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium is easy to use and achieves the optimal proportion according to the characteristics of different cells and performing multiple optimization and testing of the proportion of other components. It ultimately effectively improve gene editing efficiency.

Product Advantage

  • (1)Optimizied formulation: The formula of this special cell culture medium achieves the optimal proportion by adding the preferred good-quality serum according to the characteristics of different cells and performing multiple optimization and testing of the proportion of other components. This cell medium can effectively improve the single-cell clone formation efficiency after cell transfection. Additionally, for cells that are inherently difficult to form single-cell clones, the use of this cell medium can significantly increase the monoclonal formation rate and ultimately effectively improve gene editing efficiency.
  • (2)Easy to use: This special cell culture medium is easy to use and you only need to prepare the complete culture medium by well mixing the components in the kit according to the proportion, no need to additionally purchase the supplements.


Cell monoclonal Culture medium(THP-1)

Cell monoclonal Culture medium(THP-1) Order


Price (USD)690

Size 500ml


Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium: Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium is a complete medium specifically designed for the gene edited single cell clones. This Cell Monoclonal Culture Medium is easy to use and achieves the optimal proportion according to the characteristics of different cells and performing multiple optimization and testing of the proportion of other components. It ultimately effectively improve gene editing efficiency.

Product Advantage

  • (1)Optimizied formulation: The formula of this special cell culture medium achieves the optimal proportion by adding the preferred good-quality serum according to the characteristics of different cells and performing multiple optimization and testing of the proportion of other components. This cell medium can effectively improve the single-cell clone formation efficiency after cell transfection. Additionally, for cells that are inherently difficult to form single-cell clones, the use of this cell medium can significantly increase the monoclonal formation rate and ultimately effectively improve gene editing efficiency.
  • (2)Easy to use: This special cell culture medium is easy to use and you only need to prepare the complete culture medium by well mixing the components in the kit according to the proportion, no need to additionally purchase the supplements.




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